Step 3: HREM simulations (HPC)

Copy the two directories 3clp_HREM and LIG_only_ligand_HREM from your workstation to the remote HPC working directory. E.g. from the working directory where you launched the HPC_Drug command in Step 2, just issue
  scp -r 3clp_HREM user@hpcaddress:USERHOME
  scp -r LIG_only_ligand_HREM user@hpcaddress:USERHOME
where user@hpcaddress is the username and address of your HPC account and USERHOME is your home directory at the HPC front-end.

Now login to your HPC account.

On most HPC platforms, disk quotas on non volatile storage are limited. In this case it may be necessary to copy the two HREM directories to the HPC scratch area prior to execution, as the present computational Step 3 will generate several tens of GB of data on the HPC:

cp USERHOME/LIG_only_ligand_HREM USER_SCRATCH/unbound

where USER_SCRATCH is the user scratch area on the HPC. In each of the two folders bound and unbound, you will find a script file named MAKETPRFILES.sh, one for the bound state run (ligand annihilation in thye complex) and one for the unbound state run (ligand growth in the solvent). This scripts serve to generate all GROMACS tpr files that are necessary to run the HREM simulations on the HPC using the HPC_Drug-generated mdp and top and gro files in Step 2.

Once you execute interactively the MAKETPRFILES.sh scripts on the HPC_Drug-generated HREM directories, you are ready to submit you parallel jobs for vDSSB enhanced sampling on the HPC. To this end, in Step 2, HPC_Drug also generated, in each of the two directories 3clp_HREM and LIG_only_ligand_HREM, two tentative batch files for HPC submission, based on the syntax of the SLURM workload manager. These two SLURM submission files, for bound-state and unbound-state, afford the enhanced sampling of the vDSSB end-state for the complex PF-07321332-3CLpro on the heterogeneous Marconi100 HPC platform (CINECA), equipped with 4 Nvidia VOLTA GPUs per node.

On Marconi100, the jobs are submitted independently with the commands:
  cd USER_SCRATCH/bound
  sbatch  HREM_input.slr
  cd USER_SCRATCH/unbound
  sbatch  HREM_input.slr   

The bound-state and unbound-state jobs requests 36 nodes (144 Nvidia VOLTA GPUs) and 8 nodes (32 Nvidia VOLTA GPUs), respectively. The job relative to the bound state produces about 3.5 microseconds of simulation in total (142 ns on the target state) in 24 wall clock hours, running six replicates of 24-replica exchange simulation involving a hot-zone including the ligand and nearby residues. The job relative to the unbound state requests 8 nodes (32 Nvidia VOLTA GPUs) and produces abount 250 ns in total (32 ns on the target state) in 4/5 wall clock hours, running four replicates of 8-replica exchange simulation with torsional trempering of the full ligand.

N.B.(1): On the HPC platforms, GROMACS is usually made available by issuing a specific module load directive prior to submission or directly into the batch submission scripts (see e.g. the bound-state SLURM script). The HREM execution requires GROMACS to be patched with PLUMED. If the GROMACS-PLUMED module is not available on the HPC, then the user must compile and patch GROMACS with PLUMED on the HPC before submission, generating his/her own gmx_mpi executable, and change the SLURM script specifying the full path of the PLUMED-patched gmx_mpi command. Compiling and patching GROMACS with PLUMED is described here (section Patching your MD code ).

N.B.(2): The provided SLURM files (for bound-state run and unbound-state run) must be hacked and adapted to the specific HPC platform job scheduling/accounting system by the end-user. In the Zenodo repository, a PBS script for batch submission is also provided.