 CENTER -->      x =  y =  z =
 grid =  0.375    npts = 40    rounds = 50
 Flexible residues -->  

This script find best docking pose of a ligand to a receptor using Autodock4 

 Syntax: docking.bash  -l ligand -r receptor  [ opt ]
          where  'ligand' assumes that file ligand.pdb exist
                 'receptor' assumes that file receptor.pdb exist
          -x xcord -y ycord -z zcord 
          Specifies the ocking center on the receptor
          -n nrounds
          Specifies the number of Docking rounds (default 50)
          -g gridspace
          Specifies 40x40x40 grid spacing (default 0.375) 
          -p NP 
          Specifies  NP x NP x NP point with def grid spacing (default 0.375) 
          -f list 
          Specifies flexible residues in the protein (list must be enclosed in ellypsis) 
          Example:  docking.bash -l lig -r rec [..] -f "ARG4_GLU290"  
          -d dlg-file 
           read the dlg file and produce best docked complex and best 10 dockes states